
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sweet Home Louisiana

Today during my 8 hour drive back to Atlanta, "Song of the South" played on the radio and I'm not even lying... I thought to myself "I should write a blog about my trip home!" Monroe, Louisiana is my where I grew up and where I first began to fall in love with classic Real Estate. In Monroe the streets are lined by bungalows and classic antebellum homes with stately columns. I grew up admiring A. Hays Town's work, an architect whose work is to Louisiana what Neel Reid's is to Georgia. His work captured me at a young age when my parent's were looking to buy this home. Although I was only12 years old, their REALTOR was not able to get a word because it because my goal in life was to sell my own parents this beautiful home. It sat on 120 acres with two barns and a lake. It was perfection, from this moment on I knew I wanted to sell real estate.

So needless to say, when I was home this past week, memories flooded my head. I remember walking down Pargoud Avenue and floating down Bayou DeSiard and looking at the beautiful Southern homes that lined them.

Instead of the Hays Town home, we bought this home...and it is just that a perfect home.  Duke will always welcome you waggin' his tale and smiling, just like he is below.

We have a 5 stall barn and two ponies that decorate the surrounding pasture, BA and Listy.

Bugs and I drove in last Friday for Christmas, here he is with his gift from Santa. We quickly went to a  party Friday night and got to see all sorts of friends! It was a blast.

Monroe is on the Ouachita river, pronounced wash-it-taw. Last night my Mom and I went to a new restaurant called Restaurant Cotton. (Cotton is the reason Monroe is on the Map, so there are many references to cotton throughout the town.)

The restaurant is beautifully decorated with dark leather and wood. It is two stories, and was an old liquor warehouse. The food was delicious, we had boudin balls (my favorite!), ducks wrapped in bacon and stuffed with cream cheese (those who know me know I love to cook this combo), and fried okra (Moms favorite). 

There is a great view of the river off the back of the restaurant and a beautiful building next door.... Can you see the stained glass windows?

Monroe is doing such a great job restoring downtown and my Mom has been a big part of it! There are now art crawls, restaurants, a trolley system and soon a new river walk! So much has changed since I grew up in Monroe!

Thanks Mom for all you do! I had a wonderful trip! Look how cute she is!

I am very lucky to have grown up in such a wonderful community and with a Mom that sets such a great example! My family and hometown really shaped me and who I am today and for that I am very grateful! 

PS- If you ever drive through Monroe on I-20, it might smell...thats the paper mill not your car passenger. Hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season! 

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