
Monday, November 28, 2011

Paradise Found!

I just returned home from my traditional every other year Thanksgiving trip! My family has gone to Naples, Florida every other year since I was born! We stay at Naples Beach Club with my whole family on my Dad's side.... because well its tradition!

Here are a few photos I took last week at Naples Beach Club.

I really look forward to seeing everyone in Naples, we have so many good memories... we reflected a lot this year because we have a new addition to the family! Cam Frank Lasley! This was his first trip to Naples, and seeing him as a baby in Naples, brought back memories of the four of us (see below) being toddlers on the beach.

And here is Cambo! Sleeping baby :)

Well now we are all grown up! But, we still manage to have just as much fun :)

Here is my family, Mom, Dad and Mindy.

And here is the whole gang!

 Here we are two years ago...but missing my sister, Mindy. We are at our traditional Thanksgiving dinner spot, the Vineyards Country Club.

If you are looking for a vacation spot or a retirement town, I highly recommend Naples.... I can always refer you to a wonderful real estate company in Florida! Just let me know! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I am thankful for each and every one of you!


  1. What a fun Thanksgiving! I loved seeing all your pictures on facebook! Where was stephen?

  2. he was working! but had thanksgiving dinner with his dad!
